"Victor"- SOLD
16 hand : 6 year old : Morgan/Friesian Horse : Gelding
Talk about stunning! Victor is as talented as he is pretty to look at. This handsome boy is a 6 year old Morgan/Friesian gelding standing right around 16 hands high. Victor is extremely well put together and a total sweetheart to be around. We would like Victor to go to a home that continues his training, and brings out all the potential we know that he has. We want the absolute best home for this special horse.
On the trail, Victor is a reliable and steady ride. He will go in the front or back of the group no issue. He won’t get upset if another horse rides too close, and he will never kick, buck, or rear. He is extremely sensible, and he loves to be out in nature with his person. Victor is also very brave, he will pop over a fallen log, a small fence, or anything else in his path. We could see him excelling as a fox hunter, or with someone who likes to do hunter paces for fun. He loves water, and he will be the first to get in the lake. If you let him, he’ll splash all day long and keep everyone laughing with his funny faces. He has an amazing personality!
In the ring, Victor has a solid wtc both directions and is very comfortable. Although he is green, he is a very fast learner, and he is very intelligent. He always tries him absolute hardest to please his rider and understand what’s asked of him. Victor is the perfect in-between of a push ride and having a motor. He will do a nice slow trot, or move out nicely and extend when asked. His canter transition is coming along well, and he has the type of canter you can ride all day long. He is also happy to mosey around at the walk on the buckle. Victor is learning to leg yield as well as balance himself properly through his core and be supple and bendy. He is sensitive to aids so he will be best suited for someone with past horse experience. He is not a deadhead however not much phases him. We believe he’s easy and smart enough for an adult amateur to continue to bring along with a trainer.
Victor has been started over jumps and has been a complete superstar. He is honest to the jump and naturally carries himself well. He is mostly schooling xrails so he builds more confidence, however we have jumped him up to 3ft to test his capability. Victor is very athletic and with more time we have no doubt he could excel in the hunter or jumper ring. He almost always lands on the correct lead and is not one to get worked up over jumping. He has also gone xc schooling, and he was very impressive with the new and scary jumps. We couldn’t have asked him to be better behaved. He takes everything in stride and you never have to ask him twice. He would also make a super cute eventer. This boy could truly go any direction in the right hands and be amazing.
In the barn, Victor is extremely personable and loves any kind of attention. He stands to be groomed and tacked up, or just dotted over. He has excellent manners in his stall and no bad habits in the barn. He is always nice to work around, and picks up his feet easily. Victor knows how to lunge wtc both ways and has good ground manners. He loads up easily into the trailer, and he is always respectful for the farrier, dentist, and vet.
This gentle boy has quickly stolen all of our hearts. He’s definitely a pleasure to work with and has been super fun to bring along. Although everyone at the barn will be sad to see him go, we can’t wait to see what the future holds for this amazing horse. We want him to go to the best home.
Victor is UTD on dentist, farrier, shots, and coggins. He is available to purchase now for $22k. If you’re interested in meeting Victor feel free to call or text Juli at (717) 875-2061 or Caleb at (717) 917-7213.